P7 - Mr McAllister
Hello and welcome to Mr McAllister's Primary 7 area.
Thank you for taking the time to visit our class area.
Term 1:
This is always a busy time of year for Primary 7 children as they are preparing for the SEAG transfer process.
This term we will be learning all about Space and plants. We will be looking at the differences between Earth and Mars and discovering all about the lifecycle of plants.
During our Literacy sessions we will be focusing on persuasive writing and will have opportunities to write persuasive posters, brochures and letters! Our class novel is Harry Potter and we are already loving it!
Thank you for visiting the class page and we hope you enjoying reading our news below.
Latest Photographs
Class Photograph
Abbots Cross Primary School, Doagh Road, Newtownabbey BT37 9QW Phone: 028 9086 4171