Friday Challenge 24.09.21
This week, Primary 7 were given a team building challenge. The children were split into teams of 5 and were challenged to ‘cross the river’. This was made more challenging as each team was given 4 stepping stones to get across the river. After someone had stepped in the stepping stone, and moved off it, the stepping stone was washed away by the river.
The children were given 5 minutes to discuss their strategy for getting all team members across the river safely. I am delighted to say every group was successful in doing so!
It was fantastic to see the children take on different roles in their groups. They also put their communication, organisation and leadership skills to the test in this challenge.
Well done Primary 7!
Abbots Cross Primary School, Doagh Road, Newtownabbey BT37 9QW Phone: 028 9086 4171