Spring term
It's great to be back for the second half of our Spring Term. The main item of news is that we have decided to do a school production of Beauty and the Beast. Auditions and rehearsals will start this week and there will be two evening performances on 22nd and 23rd May.
Our new problem solving numeracy resources, Izak 9 and Numicon, have just arrived and pupils will be getting to use these this half term.
Staff will also be using staff meeting time to learn more about coding and plan some new coding activities for their classes.
Moo Music will continue this half term for some pupils in Primary 1 and 2. This time we will have the speech therapist there too so this is a great opportunity to work on early speech and language development. If you are keen for your child to be included in this please speak to me or the class teacher.
Our dancers are working hard for their competition on 22nd March. We were runners up last year so they have a lot to live up to.
Our Eco Council is busy planning a beach clean up at Hazelbank and our P7 pupils will be working with a professional artist to create a mural reminding us of the dangers of plastic waste in our seas and rivers.
We are delighted with our numbers for Primary 1 in September, however, there are a few places available so if you know anyone with a pre-schooler ready to start school in September this year, please let them know they will be made very welcome in Abbots Cross Primary.
Abbots Cross Primary School, Doagh Road, Newtownabbey BT37 9QW Phone: 028 9086 4171