Welcome back everyone!
September 2020
Welcome back to Abbots Cross Primary.
I know there is more than the usual anxiety about starting back to school this year and I hope the following information will help explain our new routines and reassure you.
All our plans are based on Department of Education Guidance and aim to make our school as safe a place as possible.
Adults entering the school building - Government guidelines are very clear. Our school building is closed to all visitors. Please communicate with us by telephone (02890864171) or class Seesaw. A Handy Box for forgotten items to be passed to our pupils will be placed each day outside the main front door. Please make sure you have labelled the item with your child’s name.
Essential Visits - Any essential visits will be prearranged by phone. All visitors must wear a mask throughout their visit to school.
School playground and car parking areas - Please do not come onto school grounds on foot unless absolutely necessary and leave as quickly as possible. We ask all adults to keep 2m apart and please do not gather in groups around school entrances or in the playground. No vehicles, apart from those driven by staff, are allowed into school grounds. If it is necessary for you to accompany your child into the playground we would ask that only one parent would attend.
Hygiene – I am sure you have all sung Happy Birthday as you wash your hands for 20 seconds. Pupils will use a hand sanitiser as they enter the school building. Hands will be washed at the start of the day and frequently throughout the day. Handwashing posters have been put up around the school as a reminder. Please talk to your child about hand hygiene and remind them of the “Catch it, bin it, kill it” routines for sneezing or coughing.
Unwell Pupils – It is most important that children are kept at home if they are unwell or develop any Covid-19 symptoms – a continuous cough, a high temperature, changes in their sense of taste and smell. If a pupil develops symptoms in school, they will be sent home at once with any other members of their household who are in school. We know this is inconvenient if you are a working parent but our first priority has got to be preventing the spread of the virus and ensuring the safety and wellbeing of our whole school family.
Water bottles - Pupils may bring a wipe clean water bottle to school. Please ensure this is filled before leaving home.
Lunch boxes – Pupils who take packed lunch are asked to bring their lunch in a wipe clean lunchbox which should be washed thoroughly each evening.
Schoolbags – No schoolbags are required this year. Homework will be online and we will try to avoid carrying items between school and home as much as possible.
Milk – Milk money for the first half term (until end Oct) should be brought in by Friday 4th September 2020. The correct amount (£10) should be in a sealed envelope marked with your child’s name and “Milk Money”. This will be kept in the school safe for 72 hours before being opened and counted.
I know a lot of this guidance feels strange and not very friendly. We have always been happy to welcome parents and visitors into our school building. But for now, things must be a bit different. However, we are still here for you and are happy to chat through any concerns or answer any questions.
We look forward to having our pupils back in school and we are very aware that we all – pupils, parents and staff - need to work together more than ever before to make our school and community as safe a place as possible.
J Griffith
Abbots Cross Primary School, Doagh Road, Newtownabbey BT37 9QW Phone: 028 9086 4171