Peace IV
At Abbots Cross we are proud to offer our pupils Shared Education experiences through the Peace IV Programme.
What is Shared Education?
Schools, from different sectors, providing opportunities for pupils, staff and the community to engage in collaborative and meaningful learning experiences.
The purpose of Shared Education is to:
- deliver educational benefits to children and young persons
- promote the efficient and effective use of resources
- promote equality of opportunity
- promote good relations
- promote respect for identity, diversity and community cohesion
Shared Education Act (March 2016)
Our partner school for the programme is Cliftonville Integrated Primary School. Together, we create and deliver fun, stimulating lessons to enhance the Numeracy, Literacy and STEM knowledge and skills of our pupils. In addition to this, the programme allows our children to develop their confidence, ability to cooperate as well as their awareness of similarities and differences and how these can be celebrated.
Abbots Cross Primary School, Doagh Road, Newtownabbey BT37 9QW Phone: 028 9086 4171